Food For Thought

Health vegetables laid out on a platter

Food constitutes what our body uses to create energy, heal itself, and operate. This has a large impact on achieving one's optimal health. If your diet has deficiencies (inadequate intake of specific vitamins or minerals), it diminishes your body's ability to thrive. Proper nutrition is vital for every aspect of your life.


There are various types of antibodies within our bodies, and each play a vital role. Traditionally, immunoglobulin E (IgE) is responsible for our body's allergy response. When an individual undergoes allergy testing, the labs are measuring IgE response. It is being discovered that IgG plays a role in the immune system, specifically, in sensitivity reactions. These create digestive issues after a food is eaten that put your body in an inflammatory response. Currently, allergy testing does not test for IgG. By testing for IgG, we are able to detect what foods will trigger a sensitivity reaction by your body, and we will do our best to create a nutritional plan to improve your gut health.

We don’t believe in testing that forces you to take lifelong supplements. Our testing gives you a print out of exactly what foods your body is sensitive to. Our testing company offers lifetime access to a dietician for all people who take their test. This offers a chance for patients to equip themselves to live the healthiest life they can, in the most affordable way possible.

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We discuss nutritional concerns with patients, and upon understanding of their goals and considerations, create a personalized and highly structured plan that accommodates your needs and empowers you to reach your goals. 


Americans spend, on average, $30 billion per year on supplements, many of which aren't tested in control trials. Many supplements on shelves are coated with preservatives to improve shelf life, but this impacts your body's ability to absorb the content it allegedly contains. Why not purchase quality supplements that are supported in research, recommended by a doctor, that's not loaded with preservatives? 

At Thrive, we view supplements as a corrective measure.  As an example: Patient is low in vitamin C. We should supplement vitamin C until it is at a functional level, but supplements weren't made to be taken forever. Vitamin C should be adequately attained through proper eating. By utilizing research-supported supplements, we help get our patient's vitamin and mineral levels where they need to be, and then assist them in creating a fulfilling diet that decreases their need for supplementation. 

We pair with NutraMetrix, a company that lets you custom-cocktail your supplements.  Rather than buying a half dozen pill bottles, they allow us to custom-create a supplement specifically for you.  In addition to this, we partner with Fullscript.  This allows patients to order doctoral grade, research-based supplements to their door, without the need to drive to our office for refills (if needed).

It is our goal to equip you with the tools to have a healthy, functioning intake of foods that allow your body to thrive without the constant need for supplements. We aim to empower you to take your health into your own hands and be the best version of yourself you can be.

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